Just to be clear, I don’t hate business conferences. I just hate what they do to me.
All too often they make me feel trapped in cold, windowless hotel rooms with a less-than-engaging speaker going on about something that has little or no relevance to me and my work challenge du jour.
Which causes pangs of anxiousness as I look for an escape route that offers the least disruption to my fellow conference attendees who must be finding value because they’re staying put.
But bailing and surfing another session seems to be my best strategy for finding value, and staying awake. So I bounce, and if I land in another off-topic session, I bounce again.
In my warped mind, at this point I am playing some form of Conference Cow Pie Bingo. Which is especially bent coming from the CEO of a company that used to put on conferences. At least I know both sides of conference pain. And of course there are exceptions to the conferences-as-pain rule. I’ve both attended and produced some of them.
I now know there is an alternate way to deliver industry trends and best practices with much deeper peer to peer sharing and networking for significantly less time and cost.
It’s the new Communication Strategy Circle program, launched with a pilot in 2015. It embodies our Communitelligence slogan: All of us are smarter than one of us.
Strategy Circles bring like-minded peers together with expert facilitators via six bi-weekly web meetings which are focused on the biggest work issues cohort members are facing. As a result, Circle meetings are very real, engaging and energizing. We connect like-minded peers and, using our rapid problem methodology, facilitate crucial conversations that both help individuals with their biggest work challenges and sharpen critical career skills at the same time. It’s the classic win-win and you can join on any mobile device from anywhere.
If you want to connect with smart peers over more than a dinner or drink, and collaboratively solve real-world business problems while sharpening your leadership, strategic consulting and advising skills while building relationships that will last a career, sign up for a 2016 Communication Strategy Circle.
Think about these eight ways Communitelligence Strategy Circles are better than a conference. Then join one and see for yourself.
Features |
Strategy Circle |
Conference or Webinar |
Agenda |
Set together by expert co-leaders and all members |
Set by organizers, usually months in advance |
Relevance to individual needs | Each member presents an issue they’re dealing with and gets ideas and suggestions from the group; also ability to ask each other questions | Except for hallway conversations, there is little or no chance to get individual questions answered |
Level of engagement | Lean in – you’re actively engaged and listening to give and receive ideas and enjoy the conversation | Lean back – you’re listening and perhaps, taking notes, but not expected to contribute |
Emphasis | You’re focusing and dealing with multiple real-time, real- world issues that you and your peers care enough about to bring to the Circle. You truly have your finger on the pulse on what’s going on | You’re hearing some best practices and case studies that may or may not be relevant to you and your organization |
Skills developed | Listening, strategic thinking and consulting, collaboration, future-casting and advising | Listening |
Relationships | By the end of your Circle, you and your Circle peers are co-collaborators and ready to be BFFs (Best Friends Forever) | By the end of the conference you’ve met a handful of peers whom you probably won’t ever talk to again |
Time commitment | Attend six 75-minute web conferences from your office or any mobile device over three months | 2-4 days out of office, with work both interrupting and stacking up while you’re away |
Cost | $695 for six sessions over a 3-month period. | $2-8,000 for registration and travel |
Added bonus | Energizing time for thinking and having insights; at end of each session, can return to work refreshed | Energy draining, because you’re alternating between feeling like you’re drinking from a fire hose from so much content, or you’re being subjected to Chinese water torture from the slow pace of irrelevant material |
Bottom line | The most individual help, learning, skills development and networking for the least time and cost commitment | Only best if you just want a good excuse to get out of the office and travel |
“The Communication Strategy Circle is a safe place to discuss business challenges with leaders like yourself. It’s confidential, cordial and collaborative. I get new ideas and motivation from every meeting.” (2015 Circle member) |
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