Mission Possible: Seven 007 Tactics to Fire Up Employee Engagement


Time requirement: 1 hour. Purchase includes unlimited access to course with webinar recording.


Paulaheadshotfinal200I like how James Bond thinks. He uses a lot of strategy, advice and counsel along with some pretty impressive tactics.

That’s why I keep James front and center in my thinking as I go about my daily work to improve employee engagement within organizations. Good leaders (and communicators) know that organizational success happens when employees have a voice and buy in to the mission with heart as well as mind. They feel safe to “speak up,” knowing their opinions count and they make a difference.

In this webinar, I’ll deliver seven 007 employee engagement strategies that have hit the target for me and the organizations I’ve worked for.

Learning Topics:

  • Learning Objective 1: Through a case study, attendees will learn about tools that help develop feedback via research which can then be used to outline employee perceptions/opinions and align them to business goals to accomplish your company’s goals
  • Learning Objective 2: Share effective tactics that using a variety of forums including one way and two way communications and other venues. Demonstrate how the use of these tactics improved employee communications by 90% through an online newsletter, feedback by 30% from employee forums, and by another 30% through an Employee Recognition Campaign.
  • Learning Objective 3: Learn techniques to engage employees to become more dedicated to your company’s mission through personal growth opportunities and by effectively using supervisor forums for open dialogue.
  • In addition to these objectives, attendees will walk away with a 007, 7-point tip sheet with a with a link to references.

This course is designed for:

  • Internal communications directors/specialists, public relations directors/specialists, supervisors and managers including those in human resources.

Led by:

Paula L. Pedene, APR, Fellow PRSA, is a senior public relations advisor and counselor for government, small business and non-profit entities. She credits her time as a radio and television journalist as the best training for a successful public relations career. She has worked for PBS, COX, the US Information Agency and US Navy Service with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service.

She was named the 2015 PRSA PR Pro of the Year for her whistle blowing activities and public relations guidance in collaborating with Dr. Sam Foote in exposing the VA wait time scandal.

The nation’s largest professional association of public relations practitioners, the Public Relations Society awarded three prestigious Silver Anvil Awards to Pedene for her work in Institutional Programs, Reputation Management and Community Outreach.

Her leadership service includes being elected to the PRSA Health Academy where she was Chair of the 800-member section and coordinated three national training conferences; being elected as President of the Phoenix PRSA chapter where she was recognized as a Percy Award Recipient for her leadership in re-energizing the chapter and most recently she was elected as Chair for the PRSA Western District where she served as the leader to more than 2200 members in 11 different chapters across five western states.

Pedene operates Pedene Public Relations Inc. as a solo public relations practitioner. She is the founder of the Phoenix Veterans Day Parade, a large scale special event, that attracts more than 40,000 spectators each year at a parade that honors our Veterans.  Now in its 20th year, the parade provides healing and comfort to those military members who have served our country and gives them the recognition they deserve as defenders of our freedoms.

Pedene is honored to give back to the Phoenix community by serving on the Arizona Behavioral Health Corporation board, on the Honoring Arizona’s Veterans board as Parade Coordinator and with the Board Developer Foundation.


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