Why Most Powerpoint Presentations Suck … And What You Can Do To Rescue Your Next One


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PowerPoint is one of the most used and one of the most loathed tools in the world of technology today. Reminiscent of the old Listerine commercials (“I hate it…but I use it, twice a day), use of PowerPoint has become standard operating procedure for 99% of the business population that needs to communicate with others. The problem is that most people learn PowerPoint in about 15 minutes and then declare themselves proficient. They spend the next 10 years using the same 15-minute skill set. No wonder “Death by PowerPoint” is in everyone’s vocabulary. This webinar replay will help everyone understand how easy it is to fall into the trap of creating boring, annoying, and useless slides, and how rewarding and easy it can be to fix what is clearly broken.

What You Will Learn:

  • Bullets can make you stupid
  • Reading bullets can make you stupider
  • Conversations aren’t linear; why are most presentations?
  • If it moves on screen…kill it!
  • Single most important tip? The B key!
  • Well-placed photos can save the day
  • Simple design tips that anyone can follow
  • Use templates smartly

Questions that are answered:

  • How can you begin to use PowerPoint to enhance your message instead of risking having it get in the way?


rickaltmanRick Altman is the host of the PowerPoint Live User Conference and a long-time crusader of bringing a sanity check to the presentation community. Through multiple books, training videos, dozens of online articles, and now a blog and webinar series, Rick offers advice, strategy, and technique for those seeking to master their presentation projects. PowerPoint Live is attended by over 200 annually and has become one of the must-attend events for those in the business of creating and delivering professional-grade presentations. 

Who Should Purchase:

  • Communications professionals who want to enhance their partnership and value to the business.


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